A Worldwide History of Water Wells Through the Centuries – Living History Worldwide


It was designed at the time and their age is approximate.

The oldest well known is located in Atlit Yam, Israel. It was created in the period in the period between 8100-7500 BC. The exact timeframe is not possible to pinpoint, but it is nice to be aware that wells have existed for so many years and have played such a vital role in our societies.

Wells Dug By Hand

Wells were manually dug for all of the time of mankind. In addition, repair of wells was completed using a hand. However, it wasn’t until the beginning of the 19th century when any of the aspects of this began to alter. The beginning of the 19th century introduced the possibility of using a well drill to make wells faster and more efficiently. Also, this changed the form of stonework that was able to be used in wells.

In the past, when all wells needed to be dug manually in the past, the builders made every effort to construct the well efficiently and quickly. They weren’t always focused more on how the well was constructed. They simply wanted the water to be ready for use. They could have accomplished plenty if they had the ability to accomplish the same amount of work done. However, things have changed.

People who get a well built today will often call out the services of an expert in stone services (more about this in the future), and make other unique requests for having their well created in just how they’d like it. Therefore, it’s safe to say that there’s a large number of people who have made the decision to get an individual well built to meet the requirements they would like to gain from it. This is great as it allows them to finally have the exact experience they’ve always wanted from their well. It also means that the makers of these products will be active for years to come.

Folklore Traditions

Through time Water wells have become essential to our everyday life that we’ve even incorporated these in the folklore.


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