What is Fair and Impartial Training? – Discovery Videos


In collaboration with The International Association of Chiefs of Police and the Office of Community Oriented Policing Services A lum was made on fair and objective the way police are conducted. Fridell was an associate professor in criminalology in the University of South Florida. Also, he has a specialization in the field of racially discriminated policing.

The most objective and fair perspectives are based on biases of the individual. The course’s central principle is that everybody has prejudices. even those with good intentions. Certain biases are deliberate and conscious, while others may be unconscious and implicit. These can result from minor prejudices, affiliations, or affiliations.

Training that is fair and objective explains how bias operates and what negative effects of allowing “hidden biases”, or “hidden prejudices,” influence one’s decisions and conduct. Police officers are taught how to minimize and control their biases.

The skills they possess will not hinder them from completing their primary job of preventing crimes; however, it can significantly enhance their capacity to interact in a safer, more honest, and more productive method.

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